Dearest J

The Un-Creative Act of Rick Rubin
Hi! I'm Fay* —
founder of Fayth™
I created Fayth.Org for those seeking recovery through a progressive Christian lens
*To stay true to 12-step anonymity, I’m keeping my identity anonymous, but my name means 'Fay' in English (hence the name of this site!).

Not your average recovery ministry
It’s a raw, honest glimpse at how a religious abuse survivor like me grapples with 12-step recovery outside of fundamentalism.
Here, I anonymously share my truth, hope, and light in my Journal through recovery. I deconstruct toxic religious beliefs, and freely reconstruct new beliefs to heal.
To celebrate this ministry’s 1-year anniversary, I became ordained through ULC Monastery and respect religious freedom for all.

My Goals
Share my experiences, provide tools, and create a virtual community for those who resonate.
Offer non-dogmatic principles to help people in recovery.
Provide journaling resources for those across the spiritual spectrum of belief; regardless of gender, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, neurodiversity, or any other defining characteristic.