Received My Ministerial Stole

Dearest J,

I ordered a Ministerial Stole from eBay and received it! It was a ULC-themed one … and I’m really happy I was able to get it for 1/2 the price I would’ve if I ordered it straight from the ULC Monastery.

Since it’s around Halloween, and my partner’s birthday is also around then, he told me to wear it as a costume … which I found “slightly” insulting, because this isn’t a costume! I am a legally ordained minister.

But alas, I suppose some people don’t want to believe it.

In any case, I feel more prepared now to do a wedding, baptism, or funeral if need be.

I remember when I told my sister, she freaked out and said, “Do you believe being gay is a sin?!” For which I said “NO!!!”

Then she said, “You won’t marry gay people, will you?! If a gay couple comes to you and asks you to marry them, will you?!” for which I didn’t really have an answer, because tbh I more wanted to become a minister to feel more “official” in writing for Fayth.Org as well as to preach more “honest” sermons, or create a community of misfits under the umbrella of actually being ordained. An if a misfit wants to do a wedding, I don’t see why not.


Here are some photos of my new stole!:


Got a Buzzcut


NAM From a Christian’s Perspective