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The Un-Creative Act of Rick Rubin

Dearest J,

I’m not exactly sure what’s next for me. I’ve been reading astrology stuff by Demetra George (who’s the most accurate Hellenistic astrologer still living today) but I don’t even know if it’s really all that accurate … I mean, it COULD be but the amount of work it’d take me to understand all of it is actually quite overwhelming. As in, total clusterfuck type of knowledge — and I do NOT also know if given how “Neptunian” I am that’d it’d really allow for me to even create understanding out of it.

As I learn about it, I realize how “not clear” and “general” it kind of all is … because LIFE ITSELF is COMPLICATED.

I’ve been reading a verse of Proverbs everyday as well, as well as a day of ACIM a day (which is increasingly annoying me).

I’m reading a bunch of books otherwise, including “The Creative Act” by Rick Rubin, which is basically a New Thought text which is also annoying me to no end. Yes I agree with his artistic angle, but it really also annoys me how much he speaks of “UNIVERSE” and “SOURCE” etc — as if it’s NOT God as he panders to everyone. Before his direct reference to Ecclesiastes in his first chapter (without attributing it to Ecclesiastes, which made me sick) he wrote: “The universe functions like a clock” … I mean … OK. Everyone thinks he’s a genius, yet in his UN-GENIUSness, he’s quoting the Bible without saying so. How un-deep.

And lastly, I’m nearly finished with “Faith After Doubt” by Brain Mclaren, which is so fantastic I might read it again, lol.

I’ve also managed to NOT purchase a catholic cope via eBay which kind of had my name all over it (namely, it was very New-Mexican, and being sold out of a vintage store in Vermont). UGH it was gorgeous honestly. I don’t think I could pay more than $300 for it, but even still, I think that’s too much.