Old HP = Spiritual Abuse

The more I learn about HP through step work the more I realize just how different HP was shared with me before:

Old ideas of God:

- God punishes

- God can and would kill you whenever he feels like it if you disobey etiquette

- Told many times “aren’t you ashamed under God” for saying this or that in response to emotions of anger or establishing boundaries

- Implied I’d feel guilt in the here and now and it’d be used to emotionally manipulate / punish me through silent treatment or verbal abuse, eating alone in my room or not eating at all

- If not feeling guilt now, God would seek retribution and justice against me in the afterlife.

- Unbelievers would have their skin literally burned off their bodies forever and ever.

- Throw out books / burn items that don’t align with literalism, go around to little book houses to filter through any “non fundie books” to destroy

- Anyone who sees it different needs to be prayed for and expelled of demons

- No secular music, videos, media, hanging with non believers, homeschooling encouraged

- Purity culture to the point of not kissing anyone til your wedding day, no touching yourself or a parter until the day you get married, and even then the other person is “responsible” for your body

- Distrust of science and the “world” including people who don’t believe that way

- No working with or hiring non believers

At that point, I realized … I was in hell, that hell was my actual reality. Either that, or this God is full of shit.

So — No wonder I’m so confused and am perfectionist if about HP. Really been unpacking this and embracing a HP of my own Understanding.

I started to understanding a living HP — until my sister made me into a witch.

I could hardly go to bed last night just thinking of how angry I was at my sister for all the spiritual abuse I experience in my most vulnerable state after my hospitalization.

So at this point I’m still oscillating between agnostic atheism and mystical Christianity.


My Earliest Memories of Religion


Learning more about UU