Christ Consciousness vs the Jesus of the Bible
Welp, TBH, I think the crux of this website and my curiosities in general boil down to 2 main arguments:
Do I believe in Jesus of the Bible (Theism), or Panendeism / Panentheism / Atheism?
On one hand, we’ve got the orthodox side of Jesus of the Bible.
On the other hand, we’ve got Richard Rohr, Course in Miracles, Marianne Williamson, New Thought, New Age.
I could write a LOT about this, and right now I’ve binged watched a LOT of YouTube videos on it.
Anti Richard Rohr
In Steven Bancarz video, he mentions reading this article on his site: 3 Big Reasons To Believe God Exists which I definitely want to. I also wanted to follow up with this video, which would be helpful.
As y’all may or may not know, my main source of “aha” moments and actively seeking God’s understanding was through the panentheistic lens.
However recently, I was re-working my understanding of A Course in Miracles through reading a copy of it. And in it, I’m reminded of the Christian Science worldview, of how if you’re not thinking in alignment with Holy Spirit, you are splitting your mind and thus causing your OWN physical illness.
I can understand mental illness, and I can get down with that (and knowing the books author was a psychologist, I figured ok, maybe she’s discussing mental health). But no, this is very CLEARLY discussing body ills. Which TBH, just makes NO SENSE to me. You cannot be responsible for bodily ills, that’s like saying you’re God. Essentially this is what it boils down to. You can control your own body with your MIND. To a degree you can, for example if you’re sick, you can get yourself to a doctor, etc.
But I think ACIM is taking this to a whole new level, which is making you responsible for your own illness by not thinking in accordance to “oneness”. So if you’re sick, you better be asking yourself where you’re splitting yourself off from other people, and causing your own ailments with your crappy thinking.
Heck, I can start thinking of some other preachers who also teach this (Joel Osteen, etc).
Anyway, this really got me thinking. If I DEFINITELY don’t 100% understand what is being said here, and if Richard Rohr is making claims to understanding the Universal Christ, then what is it that I really believe?
As you can see, I’ve lost myself down the rabbit hole. I don’t have much more to say today, except that I might need a moment to reflect. I have Bible Study tonight, so hopefully that will make me a little less confused. But the more I go down these rabbit holes, the more unhealthy I feel. I feel exhausted.
Progressive Christianity
Lastly, I found that there’s a whole long forum of people discussing this at …
I’ll take a deeper look at all this later! I do feel like I need a bit of a break.
All this is making me question reality as we know it, which is also NOT a good place.
I think this makes me more and more aware that I’m in a period of deep deconstruction.