A Course in Self Glorification

Dearest J —


Given my utter confusion about A Course in Miracles, I looked into what others wrote about the book in a group I’m part of on Facebook of called “New-Age to Jesus” led by Doreen Virtue. This post was amazing, so I’m re-sharing it. I feel like this continues to feed off of a lot of my research earlier which I posted on how Kenneth Wapnick was very public about how the Jesus of ACIM was and is definitely NOT the same Jesus Christ in the Holy Bible, and Helen herself despised the Jesus as portrayed in the Bible.

Original FB Post: https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=8231642303514700&set=a.261180390560971

I hope she doesn’t mind that I’m re-posting this! I’ll keep it anonymous here, but please click the link to see the original post.

Copy/Pasted from the link above:

A Course In Self Glorification

If you’re a fan of A Course In Miracles, please heed this message from a former fellow devotee.

I followed many a false Christ back in the day, from Yogananda’s Christ Consciousness within, to the Gnostic Jesus who was Mary’s tantric lover, and many more. But the most insidious of all, was the ‘Jesus’ of a course in miracles. I was so devoted for 4 years that I even got a ‘J’ for Jesus tattooed on my hand while following this Jesus. I had many transcendent experiences following this Jesus, including seeing white light around people and a bliss/nirvana experience that lasted several months; a natural high that I at the time could only describe as enlightenment. I thought I had cracked the code. Reached the proverbial top.

This is it, I thought. Until it wasn’t.

A course in miracles is one of the most crafty deceptions out there. Written for intellectuals who often take pride in their intellect (), this book will keep you entertained, distracted, and lulled into a stupor of spiritual superiority for a long long time.

I was raised atheist and anti-religion and so I’d not just never read a Bible, I thought to know without a shadow of a doubt that the Bible is for naive and underdeveloped peoples. I somehow knew Jesus was special, yet not how special. That’s how ACIM gets us. Jesus, being God, calls out to each of us. But, if we’re not ready and willing to lay down our pride and say ‘not my will but Yours be done’, we’ll settle for a false Christ, of which there would be many according to Jesus (Matthew 24:5).

And this is what ACIM offers us. A Christ without the call to repentance, sacrifice, and dying to our flesh. A Christ that lets us be exalted right alongside Him (because hey, there is only one begotten Son and it’s not Jesus, it’s Jesus and all of us). It’s pantheism repackaged and regurgitated in a new form but it’s really all the same. The oldest lie in the book. ‘Did God really say?’ (Genesis 3:1). Did God really say there is such a thing as sin? Did God really say we need to repent and be baptised? Did God really say He and He alone deserves worship? Did God really say it’s possible to worship a false Christ and death is the penalty?

Yes, God really did say.

But, you’d not only have to read the Bible to find out, you’d have to want to be submissive to God for Him to open your understanding so that you may see it as God’s Word. We need a spiritual revelation or it’ll just be ink on paper.

I received that revelation on May 4 2022. I wasn’t looking for the real, historical, Biblical Jesus. Never in a MILLION years would I have looked there to find truth. But I came to the end of myself through the end of my search. I was tired of all the bs that promised the world and yet after one day or one year or ten years, left me aching for more. Before that day, I wanted God (or so I thought), but on my terms. So I followed comfortable ‘Gods’ and ‘Christs’ that exalted ME in some way shape or form. On that day I declared I wanted the truth and nothing but the truth. I wanted God - on His terms. (Mind you, I didn’t believe in a monotheistic God ‘out there’. I didn’t believe in separation as the result of sin!). In that very instant I received the Holy Spirit, the real one. Not the counterfeit UNholy spirit from ACIM. It took me several weeks to realize I had been born again. The Bible suddenly made sense and the spirit of ACIM had left me in such a radical way that I forgot what was in the book, the one I had studied for 4 years (along with a 7yr daily drug addiction and many other things). Had ACIM ever did this for me? Pls 🤣

I had to look up the ACIM txt online a couple weeks later to compare it to the Bible which I was now reading, to remember what it was again that ACIM teaches (turns out, the opposite of what the Bible says in any which way), and reading it I felt inebriated straight away. I felt like I had an alcohol buzz or something like it. I had heard before of the rumours surrounding ACIM, that it was created by the CIA. To this day I don’t know whether or not that is true, but I do know spiritually speaking, it’s channeled by an antichrist spirit. A spirit claiming to be Christ.

For the love of God friends I want you to know the real Jesus, God with us, is infinitely better and more beautiful than the counterfeit that has you blinded with false light.

You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart.
Jeremiah 29:13

Don’t stop short and miss out on the true God and His overwhelming love for you. I have never been the same since May 4 of 2022. Jesus Christ of the Bible is the real deal. ACIM is a very persistent delusion.


For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.
Matthew 24:5


New Thought & Its Spokepersons


Book: ACIM and Christianity - A Dialogue